Potentially Magic Rock Number 6
Potentially Magic Rock Number 6
Potentially Magic Rock Number 6
Potentially Magic Rock Number 6
Potentially Magic Rock Number 6
Potentially Magic Rock Number 6

Potentially Magic Rock Number 6


Crazy Monster has been looking for Magic Rocks. He has been searching so long that he in pretty sure Magic Rocks might not exist, but he has found many rocks that could potentially be magic. Now it your chance to hold one of those rocks in your hand.

You get a one of a kind rock and Crazy Monsters hand written notes about your rock.


(The rock that is labeled with a number is the correct rock number 6, the others are to show the complete package.)

(I didn't show the individual notes in the pictures because I don't want you to see them before hand. All the pictures have the notes from Rock number 0) 



A rock that has not shown itself to be Magic in any way, but it has potential.

Crazy Monsters notes specific to the rock you have purchased, find out why he thinks it has the potential to be a Magic Rock.

A nice little jar to keep you rock in.

A 7 page full color booklet that explains why Crazy Monster is searching for Magic Rocks.