Live like you are falling down. Draw Like You are Falling Down.
Live like you are falling down. Draw Like You are Falling Down.
Live like you are falling down. Draw Like You are Falling Down.
Live like you are falling down. Draw Like You are Falling Down.
Live like you are falling down. Draw Like You are Falling Down.

Live like you are falling down. Draw Like You are Falling Down.


Do you love Explodingdog?

Do you need inspiration?

Do you want to help finance Space Dog's next adventure?

Yes, You Do!?

Get one of these inspirational sticky notes! Only 7 dollars and only available for 7 hours!


7 dollars for a sticky note?

This isn't just any sticky note. This is a hand written piece of inspiration. Don't underestimate the power of inspiration! You might draw that picture you've been meaning to draw. You might write that best seller that you just haven't been able to finish.  You might finally write that song that is so great it ends up in a car commercial. You might make those millions you have been meaning to make. Maybe you'll finally be inspired to bake that loaf of bread.

Beyond the artisic and monetary awards, this little sticky note might inspire you to love that person as they always wanted to be loved. This sticky note might make you rich and give you that relationship you always wanted. Yes, you will have to do a little work yourself. But...

Don't underestimate the power of inspiration!


Signed on the back, so you know the inspiration is authentic.

Also available, a slightly different phrase that creates and entirely new product! "Draw Like You are Falling Down." order them both and save $2!

Only available until 10pm Eastern time today April 29th 2013. After that, this inspiration will be sold out, so get it now!

(Not guaranteed to stick that great after being shipped in the mail and hanging up on different surfaces and all that. You might need to help the sticky along with some tape or glue. That is part of the inspiration.)